The Responsibility of Logging Into Facebook

In 2011, one third of all divorce filings contained the word “facebook” in them. This was due to “inappropriate” messages being sent to the opposite sex, spouses posting denigrating comments to one another, and friends reporting on the behavior of one spouse. This just goes to show that you need to be extremely careful about what you do when you log facebook in.

When you reach the facebook log in page, it is important to take a moment and consider the fact that everything you post is to be permanently documented. Facebook posts can be used against you in court, and many managers are reviewing the facebook pages of candidates before deciding to hire or not. A facebook sign on is much more than just the click of a button.

I think that most people are not aware of how much power they have when they decide to log facebook on. The homepage facebook offers its users is capable of achieving so much more than reason for divorce or telling the world what you had for dinner. When you log facebook on, you have the potential to spread ideas, influence others, and even change the political and social terrain of a region.

In 2011, Iceland finally got around to rewriting its constitution. The country has been discussing doing this since they became a sovereign nation in 1944. It was not until the collapse of their currency, the krona, that they got around to redrafting the constitution to include new systems such as checks and balances. Iceland decided to log facebook on and make change.

A council of 25 politicians drafted the new document, and streamed the proceedings of it on both their website and facebook. Users following the facebook group were able to read the draft, make suggestions, and debate about the issues addressed in the new constitution. Upon completion, the Icelandic constitution was created by the council of 25, alongside the people of Iceland through Facebook and other social media.

It is key to remember that, when you log facebook on, you are doing more than merely living soical. Everything you post, comment on, and add to the social network has profound effects on the rest of your community. When you log facebook on, you are faced with a choice. I hope you will make the right one.